Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Pizza Diet: So what if I'm a crazy pizza obsessed person?

I came up with this grand idea this summer- all pizza, all the time.  When I mentioned it to my boyfriend at the time, he seemed to think I was crazy.  I decided to put off my grand plans since eating only pizza might have been tricky for date nights and things.  Fast forward to last week when I was discussing my love of pizza with a grad school rep during the fairs I was attending.  I mentioned the pizza diet idea and he thought it was fantastic.  Yesterday I packed a salad for lunch and after forcing myself to eat it, posted on FB about how much I hate salad.  A friend named Jackie asked why I eat salad if I hate it and it was like a light bulb clicked on.  Why DO I eat salad if I hate it?  I literally always want pizza.  So the pizza diet idea is back and in full force.

Also this is just plain funny- I found this on my Timehop this morning AFTER I had written this whole blog post so really the pizza diet is just meant to be.

I did some research this summer to see if anyone else has tried such a "diet".

Here is a man who took it very seriously and was told by his doctor it was okay but he also worked out a ton.

Here's a guy, with diabetes, who apparently only eats cheese pizza because he is a vegetarian but hates vegetables.

This one is my absolute favorite as it is more of a humor piece and more of what I intend to do- eat pizza in various forms. 

So according to the first page on Google when you search "Pizza diet" there are only a handful of people who have discussed this idea on the internet and none of them are women.  Obviously this is a niche I need to fill.

About me!
Age: 27
Favorite food: Pizza (duh).  Also cheese.
Favorite restaurant pizza: Tie between thin crust sausage from Detello's and thin crust white from Davanni's
Favorite at home oven baked pizza: Totino's party pizza
Favorite delivery pizza: Topper's Old School Sausage & Pepperoni
Favorite Mesa pizza slice: Tie between the Southern Gentleman and Mac & Cheese
Fun pizza fact about me: I was in a pizza eating contest a couple years ago!  We had 12 minutes to eat as many pieces of thin crust cheese as we could.  My goal was to beat at least one of the two other women in the contest with me.  I ended up eating 5 slices in 12 minutes (and finished my 6th slice in the 2 minute buffer at the end but it didn't count).  I beat one woman who only ate 4 slices (mission accomplished).  The other woman, who I came to know as professional competitive eater Molly Schuyler, ate 41 slices and won since she ate two times as many pieces of pizza as the second place winners.  She's a badass and she fascinates me.  But even after stuffing my face with as much pizza as I could in 12 minutes and watching the disgusting methods of competitive eating going on around me, I never lost my love of pizza.
Me at the start of the competition, my full pizza and my pizza nails indicating the number of slices I ate in the allotted time frame.
This is a common sight at my house.  Stacks on stacks of pizza boxes, though the Papa John's one isn't mine because that is gross.
My plan:
  • I'll post on here as much as I can (or as much as I remember) with recipes, reviews and overall thoughts.  
  • I've decided to move on from trying to get to all the MN breweries (I'm honestly trying to quit drinking...) and instead try to hit up as many pizza places in town that I possibly can so there will be restaurant reviews galore here.  Maybe I'll finally start Yelping!
  • I also fully intend to workout as part of this new diet plan as eating pizza and doing nothing else is a pretty stupid idea so I'll also try to include what I've done to workout during the week.  
  • Additionally, I know that I won't be able to eat pizza EVERY DAY.  For example, I'm on a roll of trying the Burger of the Month at MyBurger and don't want to give up my streak.  Plus I'm pretty sure my parents aren't always going to feed me pizza if I go over to their house for meals.  So I understand that it isn't feasible for me to eat ONLY pizza all the time.  But by golly I'm going to try.

Feel free to check out my Pizza Diet Pinterest board.  I'm pretty sure my first pizza will be the spinach and pesto flatbread pizza as I have all of the ingredients readily available.  From there who knows what will happen!  I'm not sure when exactly I'll start since I have a million things going on between now and forever but I'll find a time to start this historical project.  I hope you will follow along!

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