Dear world,
Even my underwear is too big. That may be TMI but I honestly never thought I would say such a thing so I had to share.
I got my results from Peak 10. I think this says it all. (You might have to click on the picture to see all the before and after stats but damn, look at those before and afters! Its not a huge difference but enough to make me very happy).
The creator of Peak 10, Michelle Dozois, will be at Bring It! this Saturday for a special class. I'm going and I'm super excited.
In the weeks since Peak 10 ended, I have been sick and so I haven't been very healthy food-wise or exercise-wise. Basically I ate every fast food last week that I hadn't had in two months. I hope to get back on track next week because I feel gross and I WANT to exercise. Who am I? :)
If you want to see results like mine (or even better), you should sign up for the spring Peak 10! It starts May 4- I highly recommend it. Check out the info here.