Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#42: Grad School Day 2

Today is technically my second day of online graduate school through Colorado State Fort Collins.

This is what I've done so far this evening instead of my assigned reading:
* Dyed my hair
* Painted my nails
* Had a snack
* Organized my email
* Pet the dog
* Wrote down all of my future reading assignments so I can be prepared for those
* Watched part of a video about my other online class
* Tweeted
* Explained how to do something on Facebook to my grandma through texts
* Wrote this blog post

Hooray for immediate procrastination!  School is just like riding a bike.

But seriously, I am so happy to be back in classes.  Being annoyed with the fact that I have to do a reading makes me giddy.  I belong in school.

Okay, back to reading.  Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

#41: Busy busy!

I've been feeling pretty down for the past few months so my list of crafts to do has been piling up- I just haven't felt like doing anything.  Finally I'm feeling back to normal and I got so much done yesterday!

I posted on my Facebook a few days ago that I had 8 tabs open in my browser and I was determined to get some of the recipes/projects completed in the week.  I'm happy to say- mission accomplished.

The screen cap from my browser- 4 recipes and 3 crafty projects.
1. Orange Cornmeal Cake- still on my list of things to bake.  Maybe this week?
2. Hummingbird Cupcakes- made them for my Vera Bradley friends.
3. Chocolate Swirl Biscuits- how delish do those look?  They're next on my list.
4. Baby bibs- done and done!
5. Baby rattle- I changed my mind about this one but I may do something like it.  Instead, I finished a bunch of my VB coffee cozies.
6. Tissue Paper Pom Poms- I'm going to make some for my mom's classroom.  They'll be so cool!
7. Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake- In progress right now!
8. There was also an article in my browser that I wanted to read.  Did that too.

I finally feel accomplished and its all thanks to the loves of my life- crafting and baking.